Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Take A Seat!

I am proud to say that we have braved a few projects with our Cricut! (Honestly, the thing still scares me a little, but we're slowly becoming friends. Notice who's operating it in the photo below.) Most recently, we have begun creating our escort cards. Here's how our process works: I am the visionary, Mr. Seashell is the engineer. I do the organizational work, and then Mr. Seashell executes the details involving patience and precision. Yay teamwork!

The Idea:
Create golden leaves with our guests names and table numbers printed on them.

The Problem:
How to get printed information on a cut out shape?

The Solution:
1. Figure out how many leaf shapes fit on a single sheet of paper.
2. Create a "negative".

3. Scan the "negative" to your computer.
4. Type names and table numbers into the blank spots.

5. Print on desired paper.

6. Run print out through Cricut on same setting as "negative" previously created.

And that's our process! I am checking and cross-checking each card with our guest list, and Mr. Seashell is operating the Cricut. So far so good.

What are we doing with these leaves you ask? Here's a reminder. It's all coming together!

Did you have any projects that were less than straightforward? Were they worth it?

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