Wednesday, September 08, 2010

I Moo'd. I Mini-Moo'd.

I couldn't resist. Miss Thimble and Mrs. Pin Cushion made me do it. I moo'd. I mini-moo'd.

They're just too darn cute.

We're putting them out on our two bars for guests to take as they grab a drink. They're just the right size to slip in your pocket or purse! Hopefully people will also actually upload photos. Fingers crossed.

After I placed my order for my mini-moos I also noticed something - the US headquarters is in little ol' Providence, RI! I'm not sure what is up with my urge to knock on their door this weekend and tell them that they rock, but if I do I promise to take pictures. I'll do my best to keep my excitement at bay.

Did you moo? Have you had any hometown discoveries?

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