Monday, August 30, 2010

DIY FAIL! turned save

Remember my hideous, giant mess of a DIY project? Here's a quick reminder:

Yeah - scary, uneven, shaved-goldendoodle weirdness. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your suggestions and feedback. Many of you thought I should work on evening out the gold, and others said to brave a coat of spray paint. My all time favorites were those who said, "Seashell - these are BAD." Hilarious.

So, what did I do? I ignored them for a few more weeks. Great plan, I know.

Then, Google Alerts sent me an email with a fabulous blog post of a wedding held at our venue, The Glen Manor House. And I smiled when I saw this picture:

I knew it was time to get to work on our letters.

(These were also a bunch of other photos on the blog entry that made me want jump around and yell,"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED! HERE!!! OMG! THIS IS RIDICULOUSLY GORGEOUS AND WE'LL BE THERE IN 26 DAYS!"

...but I digress. Excuse my random excitement.)

Where was I? Oh - the, I grabbed a can of ivory spray paint and Mr. Seashell for moral support. We went out to our lovely alley and began spraying away. I was SUPER nervous that I was about to ruin these things. But after a ton of spraying, a few hours of drying, and a long sigh of relief I think it's safe to say they have been saved!

What do you think, hive? Did I pull it off?

Side note: You can buy similar letters on Etsy. These have consumed hours and hours of my life. Consider yourself warned.

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