Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Hodgepodge: Be gone!

Eclectic and mix-and-match is one thing. Hodgepodge is another. The Seashells have some serious hodgepodge living in our cabinets.

{Personal Photo}

The dishes and bowls I could live with (minus those striped ones), but the cups and glasses make me downright crazy. Sometimes I actually open our cabinet doors and whisper, "Ugh, I hate you..."

Someday, in not too long, (read: post-bridal showers) I will proudly show off our cabinets looking more like this:

Specifically with these types of items:
{all from our actual registry here}

And just when you'd think I could get hopelessly excited about boxes like these rolling in...

Mr. Seashell comes up with the genius idea: "Don't you think we should wait to open and use everything until after the wedding? They are wedding gifts after all. Plus, you talk about that whole post-wedding blues thing. Don't you want something to look forward to?" OMG. Wait!? Has he met me? This is going to be a tall order... Are you dying to have your cabinets filled with shiny, new, and matching registry items? Does your fiance know exactly how to push your crazy buttons?

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