Meaning? Well, let's just say I'm a planner. That's not even the right word. I just like to get things done. I love checking things off a "to do" list. I've got my baby names narrowed down and I had our wedding date circled in red ink after we'd only been dating a few months. I started decorating our condo before we had our closing, and I write down what I wear in my planner so I don't repeat outfits too often. And, fine, I'll get real: I'd booked our venue AND photographer before we were engaged. Yep, I just admitted that. (OMG.)
So, I feel like a greedy child who ate a plate of cookies because with 5 months to go my wedding feels planned. Done. Literally, completely, entirely planned. Complete. I ate ALL the cookies. My organizational fun is over. Any detail that is left is too far off to complete. While most brides are feeling hopelessly overwhelmed and would love to coast for a while, I'm feeling the complete opposite. Am I crazy? Is anyone else craving more work? Has your bridal energy exceeded your "to do" list?