Thursday, November 18, 2010

Then and Now: Seashell Edition

Who doesn't love a blast from the past?


In many ways I was high school. I was involved in every organization, every club, took every possible honors and AP class, and still took time to enjoy the experience. Captain of the tennis team? Check. Captain of the Mock Trial Team? Check. Any Key Clubbers out there? Over the course of High School I was club Treasurer, Secretary, President, New England District Secretary, and International Board Member. Yearbook? Did that. Don't forget the honors and AP classes, and getting into my first choice college.

{Tennis Team}

 {Preparing to argue a Mock Trial case}

 {Key Club Senior Banquet}

{Heading to Senior Prom with my besties}
Yes we had dates! They were sitting across from us.

In High School I was fearless. I was ready to take on the world. I dove into everything and anything. You name it, I was there and I was going to rock it. I was outgoing, confident, had a broad circle of friends and the occasional boyfriend. I often dreamed of all that life had in store and felt sure I'd meet my husband at Northwestern.


I was right about one thing: I did meet my husband at Northwestern. But it wasn't when I thought - I met Mr. Seashell during graduate school.

A lot has changed between now and high school. I've grown, I've loved, I've hurt. In some ways, reality has kicked me in the butt. When you're 18 and achieved everything you've set out to do without fail, you start to think anything is possible. It's a great way of life. Then, at 22 you send out 100 resumes and don't hear a word. Discouragement and doubt creep in. Alone in a big city, you learn who you really are. You reevaluate your dreams, and you go to graduate school. You meet somebody wonderful, and you plan a wedding. You realize that as the structure of childhood and school has fallen away, you are the one to author your successes and happiness.

In some ways, looking back at those photos of my high school self makes me realize I could learn something from that fearless girl. She was pretty awesome.


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